Servicing all TRYKIT axles
To remove the cassette body for servicing or sprocket replacement.
Remove the wheels, and if fitted, the callipers and discs. ( The callipers can be pivoted
out of the way if only one screw is removed and the other slackened.
Remove the outer axle bearing circlips
Using a slide hammer screwed into the end of one of the drive shafts, (M8 x 1mm pitch
thread) withdraw one axle.
Repeat the operation on the other axle but hold on to the cassette as it will fall free as
the axle is removed.
To dismantle the cassette body
Remove the Shimano lock ring and slide the cassette sprockets off the body.
A Shimano outboard bearing bottom bracket spanner, (Campanolo bottom bracket lock
ring C spanner on earlier bodies up to June 2012), fits the lock ring on the other end of the
Insert a 10mm diameter drift in to one end and drive the opposite bearing and pawl
holder out.
Replace the 4mm thick central disc and drive out the other bearing and pawl holder.
Clean and inspect the pawls, springs, and bearings. Replacement parts are available
from Trykit.
When re-assembling the body use a thin grease e.g. Castrol LM or similar on the pawls
before fitting the bearings
DON’T FORGET THE 4mm thick CENTRAL DISC it is there to space the pawls holder
apart, and dismantle the body next time.
Grease the drive shafts to protect them from rust due to condensation.
Re-fit the drive shafts and the outer bearings. Use the small end of the slide hammer to
drive the bearings home
Fit the outer circlips and check that they are fully home in their grooves.
Replacement pawls, springs and bearings are available from Trykit Conversions.
Slide hammers are available from Trykit Conversions.